Dream time for XRG's triathlon team at ITU in Hamburg
It's the first of its kind: A milestone for achieving the German "Energiewende". The electro-thermal-energy-storage in Hamburg is packed with small volcanic stones that can be heated up to 800 degC. This is enough to store up to 130 MWh of precious power from renewable sources and release it back to the grid when needed.
XRG assisted Hamburg University of Technology with an innovative fluid dynamics model that can be coupled directly to a model of the power plant and the control system. Welcome to the New Stone Age!
Pathways towards Climate-Neutral Housing explored by XRG's HumanComfort Library
David Reiners works as a scientist at EBZ Business School GmbH. MORE
Design Optimization of a Hydrogen Storage and Conversion System using Modelica
Hydrogen is one of the key fuels for reaching the goals of a sustainable energy supply. MORE
Start-Stop for Power Station Simulation - ClaRa 1.4.1 released
It sounds that easy: Simply switch of all pumps and heat sources to stop the output of a huge power plant. MORE
XRG and Research Centre Rez win Best Paper Award
XRG and Research Centre Rez (Czech Republic) wins Best Paper Award at 3rd European Conference on Supercritical CO2 Power Systems MORE
NDR Newsroom - Successful hot smoke test
This Monday our staff was kindly invited to follow hot smoke tests performed by Gruner GmbH in the new-built NDR newsroom in Hamburg. MORE
A new release of our award-winning FluidDissipation software can be explored now! MORE