Product Overview
Based on our experience, we develop products using Modelica, C/C++/C#, Java, and Python, allowing our customers to conduct simulation calculations, control, visualize, and optimize systems independently and cost-effectively.
Simulate and model according to individual scenarios
With the XRG libraries, various scenarios can be simulated and modeled. They can be customized to customer-specific scenarios upon request.
Mathematical calculations of thermal comfort and air-conditioned spaces
HumanComfort models the dynamic, thermal behavior of buildings, vehicles, ship and aircraft cabins, as well as the thermal comfort of individuals and passengers. The product contains the modular description of all physical heat transfer processes (Ready-to-use).
Modeling of heating and cooling systems in buildings
Modern systems for heating and air conditioning of buildings must become increasingly efficient and cost-effective. The XRG HVAC Library allows the comparison of different systems and evaluates the consumption, CO2 emissions, or energy costs of the system over a certain period.
For coarse-grid flow simulations (CFD) with Modelica
With the FluidDynamics Library, CFD simulations can be conducted inexpensive (?) and efficiently in Modelica and connected to individual 1D Modelica models via defined interfaces. The flow simulation is fully based on Modelica as a modeling language.
The powerful Modelica Library for complex energy systems and power plants.
The production of electricity from renewable energies such as wind and solar power is continuously increasing and demand for conversion into hydrogen. Dynamic system simulations for energy systems and power plants can be used from planning to operational optimization to solve cost-efficiently issues arising from the changing energy market.
Simple integration of artificial intelligence in Modelica
There is an increasing need for hybrid models consisting of physical and surrogate as well as data-driven models. XRG has developed an interface, the SMArtInt+ Library, that enables the easy integration of neural networks from different sources and types.
Increase efficiency, optimize systems, visualize simulations
XRG Applications are powerful. They extend the efficiency of simulation tasks and projects, visualize simulations, and can optimize systems.
Simulations for everyone
The XRG Score Application transfers Dymola result files into Excel files, filters, and interpolates them. Score converts parameter tables created in Excel into Dymola scripts and can directly start Dymola through an interface to run simulations and read the results.
Automatic execution of complex optimization tasks
With the standalone ModelOpt Application, systematic parameter optimizations can be performed using Dymola (from version 6.1). The simple and intuitive user interface allows the user to automate complex optimization tasks.
XRG Opensource
Download directly here on Github

If you are interested in one or more of our service areas, please feel free to contact us - we look forward to hearing from you.