XRG joins OpenScaling project
With the approval notice dated March 10, 2025, we have become an official partner of the consortium. MORE
New XRG-Reseller in North America
XRG welcomes Model Based Innovation LLC as our new value added reseller in North America. MORE
XRG-Library SMArtInt+ for smart AI-integration in Modelica released
Wir are proud to announce the release of our newest exciting product with thrilling festures for integration of artificial intelligence in Modelica. MORE
AIT uses HumanComfort CFD Toolchain
XRG Simulation is excited to announce another purchase order of HumanComfort licenses in the automotive field. MORE
Epic victory of XRG's triathlon relay teams
XRG achieves a historic triumph at this year's Hamburg Triathlon with two relay teams on the podium. MORE
New direct dial numbers for our headquarters in Hamburg
Good news: The dial for our headquarters and fax remains the same. MORE
TherMoSim 2024 - Modelica andFMI User Meeting
TherMoSim2024 is organized by LTX Simulation GmbH, XRG Simulation GmbH and TLK-Thermo GmbH in Munich. MORE
For some applications it is important to take buoyancy effects into account. MORE
The proceedings of the 30th Energy Symposium at Strahlsund University are online. MORE
Merry Christmas
We wish all our customers and business partners a Merry Christmas and thank you for the successful cooperation this year! MORE
New versions of HumanComfortLib, HVACLib, FluidDynamicsLib and ClaRa+Lib in Dymola 2024x
Dymola 2024x has been released. MORE
ClaRa Library wins Modelica Library Award 2023
We are excited to announce that the free and open-source ClaRa Library for complex energy system simulation received the Modelica Library Award… MORE
XRG at Modelica Conference 2023 in Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle)
09. -11. Oktober On the Modelica Conference 2023 MORE
Coarse Grid CFD Simulations with Dymola and Modelica
XRG offers two unique Modelica libraries that enable Navier-Stokes-based CFD coarse grid simulations in Dymola and Modelica. MORE
Is sector coupling just a buzzword and greenwashing? We see sector coupling as having great potential for reducing emissions and integrating renewable energies. MORE
Research project EffiziEntEE started
The new BMWK-funded research project EffiziEntEE at the TUHH and TU Dresden is about the efficient integration of high proportions of renewable energies into technically and economically integrated energy systems. MORE
SMArtIInt - Simple Modelica Artificial Intelligence Interface Library released for FREE
In many modelling areas, pure physical models are either not available or not accurate enough. MORE
ThermoSim2022 - Modelica and FMI Users Meeting
On October 4th and 5th, 2022 you will meet the most important developers from industry and science. MORE
XRG Modelica libraries now available for OpenModelica and Modelon Impact
As a first candidate our HVAC Library… MORE
TISAX Result Available
Another success story at XRG: This week we received our VDA-ISA TISAX assessment results which entitle us with a TISAX certificate for the upcoming 3 years. MORE
Online lecture: Simulation of dynamic processes in coupled energy systems
From 26th -27th April 2022 presents Dr. Rhode introduces the transient library. MORE
Energy optimization of swimming pools with HVAC Library
XRG Simulation supported the municipal building management of the city of Bonn for the Hardtbergbad project through dynamic year-round simulations with the HVAC Library in order to examine the available renewable energy… MORE
XRG will accelerate multi tool support for its successful library products in 2022
Modelica is the preferred modelling language in many simulation tools since decades. MORE
XRG assigns Jörg Eiden as privacy manager
Jörg Eiden is your contact for all privacy and information security issues. MORE
XRG and 3DS win NAFEMS2021 Best Paper Award
Congratulations to the authors Timo Tumforde (XRG), Charles Luzzato (DS) and others ... MORE
XRGMedia becomes part of DLR ThermofluidStream
XRG and DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control partner in offering robust solutions for the modeling and simulation of thermofluids. MORE
XRG starts Cloud Computation with AWS
Agile building projects with tight schedules demand for flexible and efficient computational approaches. MORE
Handover of the funding notice for PHyMoS
XRG, together with its partners, gets to the top through cooperation as part of the BMWi event. MORE
XRG wins contracts for Covid19 aerosol simulations
The importance of meaningful simulations for determining effective measures in the fight against the Covid virus is increasing rapidly. MORE
TherMoSim2020 - Modelica and FMI Users' Meeting for the simulation of thermal systems in…
We warmly invite you to the first Modelica and FMI Users’ Meeting in Hamburg. MORE
Covid19 - Have your major event simulated by XRG!
Are you the manager of a large event hall or other meeting place with a high capacity of people? MORE
Covid19 - Minimizing the risk of infection in classrooms
The return to normal school operations is gaining momentum. MORE
Covid19 - Reduce infections through simulation studies
In air-conditioned and ventilated spaces an assessment of infection risks through corona virus is required to create safe conditions for the inhabitants. MORE
Pathways towards Climate-Neutral Housing explored by XRG's HumanComfort Library
David Reiners works as a scientist at EBZ Business School GmbH. MORE
Design Optimization of a Hydrogen Storage and Conversion System using Modelica
Hydrogen is one of the key fuels for reaching the goals of a sustainable energy supply. MORE
Start-Stop for Power Station Simulation - ClaRa 1.4.1 released
It sounds that easy: Simply switch of all pumps and heat sources to stop the output of a huge power plant. MORE
XRG and Research Centre Rez win Best Paper Award
XRG and Research Centre Rez (Czech Republic) wins Best Paper Award at 3rd European Conference on Supercritical CO2 Power Systems MORE
NDR Newsroom - Successful hot smoke test
This Monday our staff was kindly invited to follow hot smoke tests performed by Gruner GmbH in the new-built NDR newsroom in Hamburg. MORE
A new release of our award-winning FluidDissipation software can be explored now! MORE
Hamburg: 1st Electro-Thermal-Energy-Storage (ETES) in Service
It's the first of its kind: A milestone for achieving the German "Energiewende". MORE
XRG Team successful at ITU Triathlon Hamburg
Anothertime on the finish line: Our succesful XRG triathlon team with Ole Engel (center), Daniel Canchola (left) and Jonas Wirmer (right). MORE
Modelica'2018 Japan - XRG presents FluidDynamics Library
On May 17 and 18, a Modelica conference will take place in Japan for the second time. XRG Simulation has registered its own contribution for this occasion and will give a lecture on the topic of "FluidDynamics Library… MORE
Release Modelica library ClaRa 1.2.2
A new version of the Modelica library ClaRa for power plant simulation has been released. As part of the ongoing research project "Verbund DYNSTART: Start-up and transient behavior of power plants", the successful… MORE
Next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica Users' Group on July 12, 2017
Nach langer Pause findet das nächste Treffen der Hamburger Modelica User Group am Mittwoch, den 12.07.2017 von 17:00-19:00 Uhr im Institut für Technische Thermodynamik an der TUHH in der Dernickestr. 17 in… MORE
Modelica 2017 - XRG at Modelica Conference in Prague
XRG Simulation will present the most recent product developments and research results at the upcoming 12th International Modelica Conference in Prag from May, 15th to 17th. You are invited to visit XRG's… MORE
Release TransiEnt 1.0 - Coupled energy networks with a high share of renewable energy
Renewable energy sources rebuild our world. How do we have to design future energy networks and how stable will our energy supply be? MORE
Announcing CFDSystems Modelica Library 1.0
Our newest Modelica product is called CFDSystems Library and will be available for Dymola 2018 FD01. This high-tech product will significantly reduce your project costs and further improve the quality of your products. MORE
Second ClaRa User Meeting at January, 9th 2017 in Hamburg
XRG Simulation GmbH and TLK Thermo GmbH invite all ClaRa users to join us at the second user meeting in Hamburg. MORE
Release Modelica-Library Hydronics 2.1.0
The new release of our Hydronics Library 2.1.0 is now compatible with the Modelica.Fluid components of the Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2. MORE
Release Modelica Library ClaRa 1.1.2
XRG Simulation is proud to announce the updated version of the Modelica library ClaRa for power plant simulations. This very successful library for the simulation of Clausius-Rankine cycles is improved and enhanced in… MORE
Web-based Modelica-Simulation of Coaxial Geothermal Heat Exchangers
In cooperation with geoKOAX GmbH, ROM Technik Ltd. & Co. KG, Hamburg University of Technology, Silpion IT-Solutions and XRG Simulation GmbH the Modelica-based simulation tool geoSIM was successfully… MORE
New Release of FREE Modelica library FluidDissipation 1.1.8
FluidDissipation is a free and open Modelica Library for calculations of pressure differences and heat transfer. It is developed by XRG Simulation. MORE
XRG at the conference for mobile air conditioning on October 18th and 19th, 2016 in Konstanz
In today's motor vehicles, thermal comfort in the vehicle cabin has become a matter of course and is expected by customers in almost all vehicle classes. Future vehicle concepts that enable autonomous driving will… MORE
Next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica Users' Group on September 19th.
After a long break, the next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica User Group will take place on Monday, September 19th, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Dassault Systèmes at Wartenau 11 in 22089 Hamburg. MORE
Release Modelica Library ClaRa 1.1.1
XRG Simulation is proud to announce the updated version of the Modelica library ClaRa for power plant simulations. This very successful library for the simulation of Clausius-Rankine cycles is improved and enhanced in… MORE
XRG is rewarded the cachet 2016/2017 "Innovative through Research"
XRG is again rewarded the cachet Innovative through Research by Stifterverband for German Science. The cachet appreciates dedication for research and development, thus XRG´s competences in research and its innovation… MORE
ITU World Triathlon Hamburg 2016 under 2.5 hours
In 2016, the XRG was again successfully represented with a team at the ITU World Triathlon in Hamburg. In the relay over the Olympic distance, Jonas Wirmer (1.5 km swimming), Sven Rutkowski (40 km bike) and Stefan… MORE
XRG Score Release for efficient Dymola simulations
For users of Dymola/Modelica XRG Simulation has released a MS Excel-Addin, which supports the preparation, conduction and post-processing of Dymola simulations (Dymola is a product of Dassault Systemes) in a… MORE
NAFEMS: Lecture on Coarse Grid CFD spatial model for comfort analysis
The NAFEMS specialist conference on the topic of calculation and simulation - applications, developments and trends will take place in Bamberg from April 25th, 2016 - April 27th, 2016. MORE
LTX Simulation GmbH is the new Dymola distributor for Dassault Systèmes
We would like to inform you that our partner company LTX Simulation GmbH is now available as a new distributor for Dymola customers in the DACH sales region. This allows us to offer our XRG model libraries together with… MORE
XRG congratulates geoKOAX on the Innovation Prize for Climate and Environment
The geoKOAX GmbH has won the Innovation Prize for Climate and Environment (IKU) 2015 in the category product and service innovations for climate protection.This prestigious award from the Federal Ministry for… MORE
CFD in Modelica - Visit us on the Modelica Conference in Paris
XRG Simulation will present the most recent product developments and research results at the upcoming 11th International Modelica Conference in Paris from Sep., 21st to 23rd. You are invited to visit our booth… MORE
8th meeting of the Modelica Users' Group Hamburg at Imtech
The next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica User Group will take place on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m at Imtech at Hammer Strasse 32, 22041 Hamburg, room ROM. MORE
Achema 2015 - Save up to 90% of energy with SyntHEX
Save up to 90% of energy with heat reclaim at a minimum of invest. MORE
Release Modelica-Library Hydronics 2.1.0
The newest release of our Hydronics Library 2.1.0 comes again with some interesting new models and features. MORE
Successful Release of a Free Modelica Library for Conventional Power Plant Simulation
After a development time of more than 42 months and over 20 men years of work invested, TLK-Thermo GmbH, TU Hamburg-Harburg and XRG Simulation GmbH proudly announce the successful release of the world's most… MORE
New company site in Wolfsburg
After a short planning phase of about one year, we have successfully put the newest company site in Wolfsburg (Germany) into operation. This fulfills our customer's need for an optimal service including personal contact… MORE
New Release of FREE FluidDissipation 1.1.7
FluidDissipation is a free and open Modelica Library for calculations of pressure differences and heat transfer. It is developed by XRG Simulation. MORE
After a short break, the next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica User Group will take place on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at XRG Simulation in Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12, 21079 Hamburg, Uexküll… MORE
Establishment of LTX Simulation in Munich
A new member of the XRG family is in operation: Together with TLK-Thermo GmbH and Leo Gall a subsidiary was founded in Munich. The company LTX Simulation GmbH will deliver high-value simulation… MORE
46th Conference on Power Plant Technology 2014, Dresden, Germany
Visit our booth at 46th Conference on Power Plant Technology, 14th and 15th October 2014.The Team of XRG Simulation will feature with a stand on the Conference on Power Plant Technology at the Congress Center… MORE
ProcessNet annual meeting and 31st DECHEMA annual meeting of biotechnologists 2014, Aachen, Germany
Come and visit us at DECHEMA in Aachen, 30th to 02nd October The team of XRG Simulation is looking forward to attending to the Dechema at Eurocongress Aachen. MORE
Success for XRG at ITU World Triathlon Hamburg 2014
Again, XRG successfully took part at the ITU World Triathlon in Hamburg. Over the olympic distance our team consisting of Sven Rutkowski (Swim), Dejanira Juarez Garcia (Run) and Johannes Brunnemann (Bike) made a… MORE
Modelica Library Hydronics 2.0.2 offers new feature
The recent release of our Hydronics Library 2.0.2 for modelling of complex liquid cycles comes with a new feature: A storage tank including modelling of free convection. The tank model is also suited for… MORE
XRG is rewarded the cachet "Innovative through Research"
XRG is rewarded the cachet "Innovative through Research" by Stifterverband for German Science. MORE
SyntHEX 1.1 now available
Our tool for the intelligent design of heat exchanger networks is now available in version 1.1. SyntHEX® is based on innovative and particularly powerful mathematical optimization methods. MORE
XRG Marathon Relay finishes within 3,5 hours
Another success for XRG: For the second time XRG´s mixed relay team takes part in Hamburg's 29th Haspa Marathon. MORE
New office location in Ingolstadt
On April, 28th, 2014 our office in Ingolstadt moves down the road to Friedrichshofener Str. 49-51, 85049 Ingolstadt. We also have a new dial which will be ++49-841-9933056-0. We are looking forward to your call or… MORE
Hannover Messe 2014 - Come to see XRG at the most important industrial fair of the world
We are proud to announce that from April 07th to 11th XRG Simulation will present its products and services at the HANNOVER MESSE 2014. Especially you can get in touch with our newest product SyntHEX… MORE
Visit our booth at the Modelica Conference in Lund, Schweden Mar., 10th to 12th
XRG Simulation will present the most recent product developments and research results at the upcoming 10th International Modelica Conference in Lund, Sweden from Mar. 10th to 12th. MORE
SyntHEX 1.0 released
Our newest software called SyntHEX® is an innovative tool for automatic synthesis of heat exchanger networks. It is based on highly sophisticated and very efficient optimization methods.… MORE
Visit our booth at the ASIM Workshop in Reutlingen
The ASIM Workshop is this year hosted by the Robert Bosch Zentrum für Leistungselektronik in Reutlingen and it again brings together simulation experts from a broad range of disciplines. This event is focussed… MORE
New Release of Modelica Library Hydronics 2.0.1
A new release of the Hydronics Library 2.0.1 can be ordered from now on. It is compatible with Modelica.Fluid components from Modelica Standard Library 3.2.1. Furthermore, an update of the Add-on Library for… MORE
FREE FluidDissipation 1.1.5 is released
FluidDissipation is a free and open Modelica Library for calculations of pressure differences and heat transfer. It is developed by XRG Simulation.The library is open source and can be downloaded in the… MORE
New Release of Modelica Library HumanComfort 1.3
New Release of Modelica HumanComfortLib 1.3. The HumanComfort library 1.3 provides basic models to estimate the thermal comfort within an air-conditioned zone and provides it in form of mathematical criteria and also… MORE
New Relase of FREE FluidDissipation 1.1.6
FluidDissipation is a free and open Modelica Library for calculations of pressure differences and heat transfer. It is developed by XRG Simulation. MORE
New Release of Modelica Library XRG Media 3.2.5
A new release of our XRG Media Modelica library is available for Modelica Standard Library 3.2.1. The library contains property functions written in Modelica for the refrigerants R134a, NH3 (R717), CO2 (R744… MORE
SyntHEX presentation at the ProcessNet PAAT conference in Bruchsal
The optimization of complex heat exchanger networks for heat recovery represents a major challenge. How do you achieve a minimal additional energy requirement and at the same time ensure a technically feasible solution… MORE
The Modelica Library FluidDissipation 1.1.3 is released
FluidDissipation is an open Modelica Library for calculations of pressure differences and heat transfer. It is developed by XRG Simulation. The library is open source and can be downloaded freely in the version 1.1.3… MORE
First XRG Marathon Relay finishes within 4 hours
Another success for XRG: The first mixed relay team takes part in Hamburg's 28th Haspa Marathon. MORE
Visit our booth at the ASIM Workshop in Düsseldorf, Feb., 28th to Mar. 1st
The ASIM Workshop is this year hosted by the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf and it again brings together simulation experts from a broad range of disciplines . MORE