SyntHEX 1.0 released

Our newest software called SyntHEX® is an innovative tool for automatic synthesis of heat exchanger networks. It is based on highly sophisticated and very efficient optimization methods. These mathematical algorithms are able to generate heat recovery systems that dramatically lower the energy costs and are very reliable at the same time. Heat exchanger networks with too many thermodynamic interactions are actively avoided. The controllability of the underlying process is not affected. Therefore, the results obtained by SyntHEX are much more efficient compared to conventional Pinch-Analysis and the implementation is much easier.
Another major advantage of SyntHEX is its easy handling. The mathematical optimization algorithms are extremely robust. Thus, expert knowledge is not required. The definition of process streams for integration and available utilities is sufficient in order to identify huge saving potentials.
If you are interested in SyntHEX you can request a time limited evaluation license. We are looking forward to your call (+49-40-76629-2630) or your email to