XRG Team successful at ITU Triathlon Hamburg

Anothertime on the finish line: Our succesful XRG triathlon team with Ole Engel (center), Daniel Canchola (left) and Jonas Wirmer (right). The relay trio completes the sprint version after 1:21:43 (Canchola 500 m swim: 9:43, Wirmer 20 km bike: 36:55, Engel 5 km run: 28:22, without transfer times) which is corresponding to a 94th place (of 300 teams). Congratulations!


XRG Team successful at ITU Triathlon Hamburg

Anothertime on the finish line: Our succesful XRG triathlon team with Ole Engel (center), Daniel Canchola (left) and Jonas Wirmer (right). MORE

Modelica'2018 Japan - XRG presents FluidDynamics Library

On May 17 and 18, a Modelica conference will take place in Japan for the second time. XRG Simulation has registered its own contribution for this occasion and will give a lecture on the topic of "FluidDynamics Library… MORE