Modelica 2017 - XRG at Modelica Conference in Prague

XRG Simulation will present the most recent product developments and research results at the upcoming 12th International Modelica Conference in Prag from May, 15th to 17th. You are invited to visit XRG's vendor session and our talks.

Vendor session 9 : XRG Score - A new Excel-based tool for FMU simulations

In this session on May 15th at 18:30 (Room Tycho-Kepler) the brandnew XRG SCORE Excel Add-In is presented and demonstrated. SCORE is a summary of useful Excel extensions for users of the Dymola Software (product of Dassault Systemes) or users of Functional Mockup Units (FMU).

Mit SCORE hat der Benutzer die Möglichkeit, Skripts aus Excel-Blättern für Seriensimulationen zu schreiben, gleichzeitig mehrere Simulationen durchzuführen (Multithreading) und die Ergebnisse in Excel für die Nachbearbeitung zu importieren. Die SCORE-Software liest die Ergebnisse und füllt vordefinierte Excel-Tabellen mit Formeln und Diagrammen aus.

With SCORE the user has the option to write scripts out of Excel sheets for serial simulation, run simultaneously simulations (multithreading) and read the results into Excel for post-processing. The SCORE software reads the results and fills predefined Excel sheets with formulas and diagrams.

Talk 1: "Extended Modelica Model for Heat Transfer of Two-Phase Flows in Pipes Considering Various Flow Patterns"

On May 16th at 18:05 (Session 7B Thermodynamic Systems) Timm Hoppe is going to talk about a new heat transfer model for 2ph-flow in XRG's FluidDissipation Library.

Talk 2: "Applying the Power Plant Library ClaRa for Control Optimisation"

On May 17th at 14:55 (Session C11 Power Plants & Energy Sys) Lasse Nielsen will talk about the comprehensive Power Plant Library ClaRa and its use for Control Optimisation.

We are looking forward to meeting you on the Modelica Conference 2017!


Release Modelica library ClaRa 1.2.2

A new version of the Modelica library ClaRa for power plant simulation has been released. As part of the ongoing research project "Verbund DYNSTART: Start-up and transient behavior of power plants", the successful… MORE

Next meeting of the Hamburg Modelica Users' Group on July 12, 2017

Nach langer Pause findet das nächste Treffen der Hamburger Modelica User Group am Mittwoch, den 12.07.2017 von 17:00-19:00 Uhr im Institut für Technische Thermodynamik an der TUHH in der Dernickestr. 17 in 21073 Hamburg… MORE

Modelica 2017 - XRG at Modelica Conference in Prague

XRG Simulation will present the most recent product developments and research results at the upcoming 12th International Modelica Conference in Prag from May, 15th to 17th. You are invited to visit XRG's vendor session… MORE

Release TransiEnt 1.0 - Coupled energy networks with a high share of renewable energy

Renewable energy sources rebuild our world. How do we have to design future energy networks and how stable will our energy supply be? MORE

Announcing CFDSystems Modelica Library 1.0

Our newest Modelica product is called CFDSystems Library and will be available for Dymola 2018 FD01. This high-tech product will significantly reduce your project costs and further improve the quality of your products. MORE