XRG is rewarded the cachet 2016/2017 "Innovative through Research"

XRG is again rewarded the cachet Innovative through Research by Stifterverband for German Science.
The cachet appreciates dedication for research and development, thus XRG´s competences in research and its innovation skills. Since not even one percent of Germany´s 3.5 million companies research, we are part of an important group.
The Stifterverband which is committed to junior academic staff, excellent universities and top level research is Germany´s main non-corporate business development agency.
In collaboration with renowned research institutions and companies XRG continues to take part in challenging research projects for energy technology in the automotive, process and building services field, for the aerospace and shipping industry and for power plants and constantly creates new innovative products and procedures. Thus, the achieved results are not only available for XRG but also for our customers, in some cases they are even for free (see FluidDissipation Library , MoMoLib as well as ClaRa).
Our current research projects are:
Dynstart - Start-up and Transient Behavior of Power Plants
The research project "Compound DYNSTART: Start-Up and Transient Behaviour of Power Plants" will investigate the capabilities of power plants with and without CCS technologies to provide residual loads in future energy markets.
Nakulek - Natural circulation cooling for power electronics
By means of 1D and 3D simulation models a components of a demonstrator system for the cooling of onboard power electronics are developed
TOICA - Thermal Overall Integrated Concept Aircraft
The European TOICA project intends to radically improve the way thermal studies are performed within aircraft design processes. Its goal is to create a platform for collaborative modeling and simulation of the thermal behavior of aircraft airframe systems, equipment and components.
CoHeReNT - Control of Heat Recovery Networks
The aim is to develop a development platform that allows the engineer to efficiently estimate the temporal propagation of a malfunction within the production system in the first stage. Furthermore in the second stage the platform is to allow an estimation of the cost that would be necessary to reduce the propagation of the malfunction to a minimum, thus ensure a stable process control.
Our completed research projects are:
MoMoLib - Modelling Fluid Properties for R134a and Humid Air
XRG Simulation will develop in this Clean Sky joint research project two media models Tetrafluoroethane (R134a) and Moist Air (from -100°C to +250°C).
DynCap - Dynamic Capture of CO2
The research project “Dynamic investigation of Clausius-Rankine processes with CO2 capture for supply of operating reserve” will evaluate the processes for capture and storage of CO2. The focus of the study is the transient behaviour of the plant and the question: How can plants with CO2 capture contribute to the supply of operating reserve? The Modelica library ClaRaCCS will be created during the research project. ClaRaCCS stands for Clausius-Rankine with Carbon Capture and Storage.
Intelligente Synthese effizienter Wärmeübertragernetzwerke mittels genetischer Algorithmen
The innovative simulation tool for smart heat exchanger networks
Open model-driven whole-product development and simulation environment
Modelica library to simulate coupled heat and mass transfer in aircraft insulation
Modelica library for calculation of pressure loss and heat transfer and Modelica library for calculation of the thermal comfort and energetic simulation of rooms and cabins