DynCap - Dynamic Capture of CO2
The research project “Dynamic investigation of Clausius-Rankine processes with CO2 capture for supply of operating reserve” has evaluated the processes for capture and storage of CO2. The focus of the study was the transient behaviour of the plant and the question: How can plants with CO2 capture contribute to the supply of operating reserve? The supply of operating reserve is very important for grid stability at rising fluctuation due to the expansion of renewable energy.
The Modelica library ClaRaCCS
The Modelica library ClaRaCCS was created during the research project. ClaRaCCS stands for Clausius-Rankine with Carbon Capture and Storage. The source code of the library is open. The following components were modeled in different detail levels:
- Basic components of heat exchangers (different fluids, typical plant geometries)
- Models of pumps, compressors and turbines (incl. transport of liquid CO2)
- Models of absorber and desorber columns, models of air separation systems
- Property models of flue gas and solvents
- Validation scenarios of the Clausius-Rankine process and the gas separation processes
The following institutions took part in the research project:
- Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Energietechnik, Hamburg,
- Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für ThermoFluiddynamik, Hamburg,
- TLK-Thermo GmbH, Braunschweig,
- E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH, Gelsenkirchen,
- Vattenfall AB, Stockholm, Schweden,
- EnBW Kraftwerke AG, Stuttgart.
Research Funding
The research project DynCap is supported by the Federal Ministery of Economics and Technology (number 03ET2009C) and starts in March 2011 and ends in August 2014.