DynStart - Start-up and Transient Behaviour of Power Plants
The joined research project "DYNSTART: Start-Up and Transient Behaviour of Power Plants" investigated the capabilities of power plants with and without CCS technologies to provide residual loads in future energy markets. The study points out potentials and limits of operation at extra-low-load and during start-up and shut-down. Besides the process-technical aspects of the issue modern MIMO control strategies are focused in the study as can improve the power plants' abilities to fulfil future grid requirements.
The Modelica library ClaRa
The Modelica library ClaRa was improved during the research project. ClaRa stands for Clausius-Rankine cycle. The source code of the library was completed by new components and improved with respect to its numerical robustness and validity in special operation modes (start-up, shut down, downtime).
The following institutions tok part in the research project:
- Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Energy Systems, Hamburg, Germany,
- Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, Hamburg, Germany,
- Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Control Systems, Hamburg, Germany,
- TLK-Thermo GmbH, Brunswig, Germany,
- ESI ITI GmbH, Dresden, Germany,
- E.ON Technologies GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany,
- E.ON Energie AG, Gelsenkirchen, Germany,
- Vattenfall Europe Generation AG, Cottbus, Germany,
- EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Stuttgart, Germany.
Research Funding
The research project DynStart was supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics Affairs and Energy (number 03ET7060D) and started in August 2015 and ended in June 2019.