Nakulek - Model-based design and analysis of a natural circulation for cooling of aircraft systems
In this aviation research project an innovative cooling system for high-temperature heat loads in aircrafts was developed. Power electronic components shall be cooled by means of a natural circulation and phase change material (PCM). XRG innovated straightforward simulation techniques to allow a model-driven system development. Thus, the models can be used to optimize the design of the system with regard to essential parameters like weight, power consumption, aerodynamic drag and integration space. New model libraries provide models for robust simulation of natural circulation using sustainable refrigerants. Both, 1D and 3D (CFD) models allow either a system or component simulation for two-phase flows.
In this joint research project XRG Simulation cooperated with ZAL GmbH (Hamburg’s Center of Applied Aeronautical Research) and the institute of Technical Thermodynamics of Hamburg University of Technology.
Research Funding
The research project Nakulek was supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics Affairs and Energy (number 20Q1519B) and started in July 2016 and terminated end of June 2020.